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Sri Lanka rupee to Philippines peso exchange rate history (September 2021)

Sri Lanka rupee to Philippines peso exchange rate history history since 2006 till 2024. Currency conversion chart Sri Lanka rupee to Philippines peso (September 2021).

Sri Lanka rupee to Philippines peso exchange rate history for September 2021 according to Central Bank data.
Currency change history by days.

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<< < December 2021 November 2021 October 2021 September 2021 August 2021 July 2021 June 2021 > >>
Date Rate
30.09.2021 0.254542
29.09.2021 0.255896
28.09.2021 0.254284
27.09.2021 0.253266
26.09.2021 0.253756
25.09.2021 0.253756
24.09.2021 0.252979
23.09.2021 0.251323
21.09.2021 0.251399
20.09.2021 0.249781
19.09.2021 0.250758
18.09.2021 0.250758
17.09.2021 0.250553
16.09.2021 0.249389
15.09.2021 0.250198
14.09.2021 0.250856
12.09.2021 0.250022
11.09.2021 0.250022
10.09.2021 0.249934
09.09.2021 0.250857
08.09.2021 0.248626
07.09.2021 0.249509
06.09.2021 0.249075
05.09.2021 0.250591
04.09.2021 0.250591
03.09.2021 0.249847
02.09.2021 0.251551
01.09.2021 0.249108