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Rand to Euro exchange rate

Rand to Euro exchange rate today. Rand value in Euro today.
Updated: 27/04/2024 13:00

Rand to Euro exchange rate today

1 (ZAR)
= 0.049304 (EUR)
1 (EUR)
= 20.28 (ZAR)

The real exchange rate for rand to Euro today. The currency exchange rate has an average value per day according to the results of trading on the exchange and is set for the whole day by the national bank. Only official data on the exchange rate for our site are used. Our currency reference site is free and daily updated.

Foreign exchange rate updated 27/04/2024

Money exchange rand / Euro in Europe:

1 rand is equal to 0.049304 Euro in the European bank today. 1 rand rose by 0.000173 Euro today in the main bank of Europe. Today, Rand exchange rate has risen against Euro in Europe. Today, 1 rand costs 0.049304 Euro in a European bank.

1 ZAR = 0.049496 EUR
1 EUR = 20.20 ZAR
ECB currency exchange rates updated 27/04/2024

Rand to Euro exchange rate exchange rate today 27 April 2024

The dynamics of Rand to Euro over several days is shown in our table. Values of Rand to Euro for past days are shown in the table on the site. For a profitable purchase of currency - compare the dynamics of the exchange rate in recent days. The history of the exchange rate of Rand to Euro for several days is given here; the history of the exchange rate for more time you can see in our services the history of the exchange rate of Rand to Euro since 1992.

Date Rate Change
27.04.2024 0.049084 0.000173
26.04.2024 0.048911 0.000105
25.04.2024 0.048806 -
24.04.2024 0.048806 -0.000359
23.04.2024 0.049164 0.00041

4.93 Euro today costs 100 rand at the exchange rate. 24.65 Euro the cost of 500 rand at the current exchange rate. The cost of 1 000 rand to Euro is now equal to 49.30. For 2 500 rand you need to pay 123.26 Euro. 1 rand is now equal to 0.049304 Euro. The official rate of the national bank. 1 rand rose by 0.000173 Euro today according to exchange rate of the country's leading bank.

The price of 1 Euro at the exchange rate is 20.28 rand. The price of 5 Euro at the exchange rate is 101.41 rand. 202.82 rand today costs 10 EUR at the exchange rate. The price of 25 Euro at the exchange rate is 507.06 rand. Rand exchange rate is up today against Euro. For 1 rand now you need to pay 0.049304 Euro according to exchange rate of the national bank.


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