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Swedish krona to US dollar exchange rate

Swedish krona to Dollar exchange rate today. Swedish krona value in US dollar today.
Updated: 29/04/2024 21:00

Swedish krona to Dollar exchange rate today

1 (SEK)
Swedish krona
= 0.091532 (USD)
US dollar
1 (USD)
US dollar
= 10.93 (SEK)
Swedish krona

The site shows the average value of the conversion of Swedish krona into US dollar. Currency rates are taken from reliable sources. The exchange rate for Swedish krona to US dollar is the basis for banks and their current exchange rates. A daily updated free currency exchange rate statement is available on this site.

Foreign exchange rate updated 30/04/2024

Money exchange Swedish krona / US dollar in Europe:

1 Swedish krona is now 0.091532 US dollar in Europe. 1 Swedish krona rose by 0 US dollar today in the main bank in Europe. Today, Swedish krona exchange rate has risen against US dollar in Europe. 1 Swedish krona now costs 0.091532 US dollar - the rate of the European bank.

1 SEK = 0.091532 USD
1 USD = 10.93 SEK
ECB currency exchange rates updated 29/04/2024

Swedish krona to US dollar exchange rate exchange rate today 29 April 2024

In the table of the exchange of Swedish krona to US dollar, it is convenient to see Swedish krona exchange rates for several days. Compare exchange rates for today, yesterday, and last days to determine the rate of growth or fall of the selected currency. The website allows you to see exchange rates for today, 1 day ago, 2 days ago, 3 days ago, etc. Understanding the dynamics will give you the opportunity to understand the exchange rate of Swedish krona to US dollar for tomorrow.

Date Rate Change
29.04.2024 0.091532 -
28.04.2024 0.091532 -0.000572
27.04.2024 0.092104 0.000162
26.04.2024 0.091942 0.000299
25.04.2024 0.091643 -

9.15 US dollar the cost of 100 Swedish krona at the current exchange rate. 45.77 US dollar the cost of 500 Swedish krona at the current exchange rate. 91.53 US dollar the cost of 1 000 Swedish krona at the current exchange rate. 2 500 Swedish krona are now worth 228.83 US dollar. 1 Swedish krona today is 0.091532 US dollar according to exchange rate of the national bank. 1 Swedish krona rose by 0 US dollar today according to exchange rate of the country's main bank.

To buy 1 US dollar for Swedish krona today you need to pay 10.93 SEK. The price of 5 US dollar at the exchange rate is 54.63 Swedish krona. 109.25 Swedish krona, the cost of 10 US dollar at the exchange rate for today. 273.13 Swedish krona, the cost of 25 US dollar at the exchange rate for today. Swedish krona exchange rate is going up against US dollar. For 1 Swedish krona now you need to pay 0.091532 US dollar according to exchange rate of the national bank.


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