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Exchange rates updated 26/04/2024 17:00

Romanian leu to US dollar exchange rate

Romanian leu to Dollar exchange rate today. Romanian leu value in US dollar today.

Romanian leu to Dollar exchange rate today

1 Romanian leu (RON) equals 0.22 US dollar (USD)
1 US dollar (USD) equals 4.64 Romanian leu (RON)

Information on the value of Romanian leu to US dollar is updated once a day. The exchange rate shown on this page is the exchange rate established officially for today April 26, 2024 according to the results of exchange trading. Only official data on the exchange rate for our site are used. A daily updated free currency exchange rate statement is available on this site.

Foreign exchange rate updated 27/04/2024

Money exchange Romanian leu / US dollar currency conversion in Europe

1 Romanian leu is now equal to 0.22 US dollar. The official exchange rate of the Bank of Europe. 1 Romanian leu rose by 0.001445 US dollar today in the main bank of Europe. Romanian leu exchange rate is higher relative to US dollar according to European currency exchange rates. For 1 Romanian leu now you need to pay 0.22 US dollar at the rate of a European bank.

1 RON = 0.21 USD
1 USD = 4.66 RON
ECB currency exchange rates updated 26/04/2024
Convert Romanian leu to US dollar Romanian leu to US dollar live on Forex exchange market Romanian leu to US dollar exchange rate history

Romanian leu to US dollar exchange rate today at 26 April 2024

It is most convenient to compare Romanian leu to US dollar exchange rate for the last few days in the table of the latest exchange rates on this page. Compare exchange rates for today, yesterday, and last days to determine the rate of growth or fall of the selected currency. The website allows you to see exchange rates for today, 1 day ago, 2 days ago, 3 days ago, etc. The exchange rate of Romanian leu to US dollar for tomorrow depends on the dynamics of the exchange rate in recent days.

Date Rate Change
26.04.2024 0.215582 0.001445
25.04.2024 0.214138 -
24.04.2024 0.214138 0.000059579505902269
23.04.2024 0.214078 -0.000114
22.04.2024 0.214192 -
Romanian leu (RON)

For 10 Romanian leu you need to pay 2.16 US dollar. 50 Romanian leu at the exchange rate are equal to 10.78 US dollar. To buy 100 Romanian leu per US dollar today you need to pay 21.56 USD. For 250 Romanian leu you need to pay 53.91 US dollar. 1 Romanian leu is now 0.22 US dollar at the official exchange rate. 1 Romanian leu rose by 0.001445 US dollar today according to exchange rate of the country's main bank.

10 RON 50 RON 100 RON 250 RON 500 RON 1 000 RON 2 500 RON 5 000 RON
2.16 USD 10.78 USD 21.56 USD 53.91 USD 107.82 USD 215.64 USD 539.11 USD 1 078.21 USD
US dollar (USD)

1 US dollar at the exchange rate are 4.64 Romanian leu. 23.19 Romanian leu, the cost of 5 US dollar at the exchange rate for today. For 10 USD you need to pay 46.37 Romanian leu. 25 US dollar are now 115.93 Romanian leu. Romanian leu exchange rate is up today against US dollar. 1 Romanian leu now costs 0.22 US dollar - the exchange rate of the national bank.

1 USD 5 USD 10 USD 25 USD 50 USD 100 USD 250 USD 500 USD
4.64 RON 23.19 RON 46.37 RON 115.93 RON 231.87 RON 463.73 RON 1 159.33 RON 2 318.65 RON